• Important! If you attempt to register and do not get an email within 5 minutes please check your spam box. This is especially true for Microsoft owned domains like Hotmail, Outlook, and Live. If these do not work please consider Gmail. Yahoo, or even AOL email which works fine.

    Please update any bookmarks from juot.net to juot.org and start using it.

    The juot.net URL will be going away March 1st, 2025.

Paid Subscriptions / Account Upgrades

Want to support the forum with a direct subscription? More info here.
With the migration to XenForo the old Paid Subscription system has had some changes. First and foremost "Paid Subscriptions" are now referred to as "Account Upgrades" and can be found by clicking on your username at the top of the page and selecting "Account Upgrades" from the menu as showm below-

Account Upgrade Location Image

You may also visit it directly from this link: https://www.juot.net/forums/index.php?account/upgrades. You can use this link to purchase and cancel either montly (recurring) upgrades or yearly (single payment) upgrades. These will not automatically renew, you will need to purchase them again a year later to keeep the upgrade active if you so choose.

In addition there have been some minor changes in pricing. The Premium Montly payment has increased from $2.00 a month to $2.50 due to the percentage taken by PayPal. However the yearly cost now gives 2 free months instead of one and costs only $25 USD. The cost of the Ultra-Premium and Ultra-Premium++ monthly plans have not changed at $5 and $10 each, respectfully. Their yearly plans however have been reduced to also give two free months so are now $50 and $100 USD. The lifetime membership remains at $350 USD. Of course your support is appreciated but it is not required. The vast majority of JUOT is and, I hope, always will be free. The new software also brings some new privledges for the upgrades while others are lost.

I have already reached out privately to those paying monthly but a heads up if I somehow missed anyone... Any member who subscribbed to a recurring monthly subscription under the old forum software should cancel it (or I will cancel for you) and (if you wish) resubscribe under the new system. Please contact me by private message (now called conversation) if you have any questions. Thank you for helping support JUOT!
  • Published
    Feb 3, 2019
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