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Normalize AAC audio files


Timber Baron
I've got a bunch of music that I'd like to bring to the same level. It's iTunes' AAC. The iTunes 'sound check' only does a marginal job at normalizing maximum volume, but does nothing to the average intensity of the song. MP3 gain does not work on .m4a files.

Any recommendations?


Timber Baron
Nevermind. I always make a thread seconds before reading my answer elsewhere.

Here it is for anyone who needs the same thing:

08 January 2005
AACGain: Dave Lasker has added AAC support to mp3gain.exe. He wrote aacgain.exe specifically so it would work with the existing MP3GainGUI without too much trouble.
To get it all to work, go download the latest MP3Gain (either "1.2.5 Stable" or "1.3.4 Beta"). Then download AACGain. Un-zip aacgain.exe, re-name it to "mp3gain.exe", and move it into the MP3Gain folder, copying over the existing mp3gain.exe.
That's all you have to do. Now MP3Gain should handle AAC files (.m4a or .mp4).
Please note that aacgain will not work on DRM-encoded files (i.e. music you buy from the iTunes store). It should work just fine with AAC file you create yourself using iTunes, though.
And a technical note for command-line users: As part of coordinating this release with Dave, I've finally fixed the program return codes in mp3gain.exe to match what everyone else in the world does. So as of version 1.4.6, 0 means success, and non-zero means failure.
