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Attic Floor -- Plywood question


A slob, fed by Jeffery
I did the same thing in the attic over the finished garage and love the storage :hoos:


Wants $4.50 Gas
Welp. At least we see you have a place to sleep when the :wifey: gets pissed at you.


Looks like it turned out well.

Those were wealthy people's homes when they were built. Don't kid yourself, it wasn't the average factory worker's lodgins.
Lots of old houses in the north east are substantially larger than the old houses out west. Seems to hold true for newer construction too. This was very apparent to me when I first moved out west. There's actually a monstrosity of a farm house just down the road from us on Broadway Ave that's 100+ years old, so there are outliers. I had never seen subdivision hell before moving here either. :rotflmao:
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