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Kitchen Cabinets Installed, primer on the ceiling/walls

Appliances get delivered Sunday.. probably installed Monday. I put most of the knobs on already, but the draws need an extra-long screw so they are sitting in the bag still.

The first knobs I bought were the only ones home depot had enough (32) in stock... small chrome knobs.. I couldn't care less about the knobs really but the installer looked at them and shook his head and said no... take them back, and stop smoking crack. (not his words, but basically what he meant).

So today I got much nicer ones... good call on his part... much happier with these.

ccsp [JU]

I like the cabinets. I cant figure WTF is going on with that ceiling??? WTF?? Either you bricked over your window, or your neighbor is less than 5 feet from your house. :ijti:
ccsp said:
I like the cabinets. I cant figure WTF is going on with that ceiling??? WTF?? Either you bricked over your window, or your neighbor is less than 5 feet from your house. :ijti:

a 600 sq foot cage on a pstage stamp lot for the low price of 800k :owned:
It's actually 12 feet between the walls of the houses.
Just the way things are built out here in NYC... hell it's considered a good sized chunk of land for the area since it actually has a back yard, front yard, and walkable sides. Most homes here share a wall on one or both sides.
Wharfrat said:
It's not what's inside that sucks about that place...it's the community of trash oustide :loser:
:laugh: Hope he likes his neighbors..hell they are almost roommates.

He did do some ok work....wait...that is too good...I havent followed this house stuff...BUT he could NOT have done that right?
ArizonaJeeper said:
:laugh: Hope he likes his neighbors..hell they are almost roommates.

He did do some ok work....wait...that is too good...I havent followed this house stuff...BUT he could NOT have done that right?

It is costing him $20k for that.

ericdag [JU]

why so many recessed lights? you really don't need 600+ watts of lighting to light up a 20x20 room. your ceiling looks like the runway at laguardia.
Hedley Lamarr said:
It is costing him $20k for that.
:confused: Didnt he replace all that? 20K? Hell he should have hired you and Waz and you 2 could have split the 20k.

HELL that is kind of what ours look like and you know we are looking to change that.

Bobkid [JU]

ericdag said:
why so many recessed lights? you really don't need 600+ watts of lighting to light up a 20x20 room. your ceiling looks like the runway at laguardia.
I think this is the effect he's going for
